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RE: end-to-end w/i-Mode? (was Re: imode far superior to wap)

2000-08-11 13:50:02
You haven't given a single technical argument that will convince
system experts in these big corporations that they have dug themselves
a "very nice hole". The meaningless rhetoric "WAP is bad" doesn't
convince any one.

The problem that WAP has is that it is not used for end to end
connections.  WAP will protect the data from the wireless device to a
proxy server which must be able to decrypt the data so that it can be
retransmitted over a SSL/TLS connection to the real HTTP server.
That means that I as a corporate service provider MUST trust the
wireless provider's security and their promise not to look at my
data.  I'm sorry, but this is not a system that I will rely on.
Since WAP is not end to end, it is of no use to me.

                  Jeffrey Altman * Sr.Software Designer
                 The Kermit Project * Columbia University
               612 West 115th St * New York, NY * 10025 * USA * 