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Re: more on IPv6 address space exhaustion

2000-08-15 11:10:02
Keith -

| a one-bit content label is even harder to use than the PICS stuff.
| all of the objections about this being improper use of the address
| space also apply, but even if those were overcome, the scheme still
| wouldn't solve any problems.  it would accomplish nothing except to
| waste half of the IPv6 address space.

It does not have to be implemented by giving away "half" the
address space.  I don't know where "half" came from.

The only requirement that I arrive at is the presence of
a globally distinguished prefix, which does not have to
be particularly short.   The address-space consumption for
a partition that is expected to connect itself logically
together, rather than introduce "exception routing" in the
form of longer prefixes, obviously could be quite small.
