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Re: (ietf54-noc 1802) Re: why we had wireless problems at IETF

2002-07-17 19:43:11
you need to do some engineering in order to make is such that the ap's 
sitting on the same channels can't hear to much of each other. noise is 
the biggest killer here because it results in more retransmissions which 
results in deeper buffers on the ap's which results in more 
retramismission which results in the ap's crashing from buffer-overflows 
and overall results in reduced performance...

the accompaning issues is more than 60-100 clients per ap (and ~200=death)
really results in reduced performance as well, particulallry if most of
them are active so more ap's can result in better localized performance,
assuming you get a handle on the rf issue.

        maybe at IETF55, should we invite 802.11b experts to measure behaviors,
        expreiment with basestation placement, and such?
