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RE: IASA BCP -02 Designated Donations - section 5.3

2004-12-14 15:00:53
I am not a real accountant and kind of simple-minded.

So when you say:
"Lynn" == Lynn St Amour <st(_dot_)amour(_at_)isoc(_dot_)org> writes:

    Lynn> over 80% of ISOC's org. members donate less than $10K
    Lynn> annually and managing these in a 'restricted accounting
    Lynn> manner' requires more effort and overhead.  Also,
    Lynn> organizations/donors expect recognition appropriate to their
    Lynn> contribution and that implies differing levels of value and
    Lynn> distinction.

I then wonder.... 

- if there is s separate or special bank account for IASA/ETF
- if I can just deposit my donation into that bank account
- What then is the "more effort and overhead" ??

I just do not understand.


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