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Re: Issue: #749: Section 6 - Budget process

2004-12-21 14:38:50
Bert asks
So how about changing:

  6.  IASA Budget Process

   While the IASA sets a budget for the IETF's administrative needs, its
   budget process clearly needs to be closely coordinated with ISOC's.
   The specific timeline shall be established each year.  A general
   annual timeline for budgeting is:


  6.  IASA Budget Process

   While the IASA sets a budget for the IETF's administrative needs, its
   budget process clearly needs to be closely coordinated with ISOC's.
   The specific timeline shall be established each year by IASA and ISOC.
   As an example, a general annual timeline for budgeting is:

And then  further down change:

   The dates described above are subject to change, and will most likely
   be modified each year based on the dates of the second and third IETF
   meetings of that year.


   The dates described above are examples and subject to change. They will
   most likely be modified each year based on the dates of the second and
   third IETF meetings of that year. They also need to be synchronised with
   the ISOC budgeting process. 

sounds fine to me

Scott, pls realize that the text already states:

   August 1: The IAOC approves the budget proposal for IETF purposes,
      after any appropriate revisions.  As the ISOC President is part of
      the IAOC, the IAOC should have a preliminary indication of how the
-->   budget will fit with ISOC's own budgetary expectations.  The
      budget proposal is passed to the ISOC Board of Trustees for review
      in accordance with their fiduciary duty.

See the line prefixed with "-->" which I think  makes it clear that
the IASA budget should fit with the budget as expected by IASA.

I think you mean "the IASA budget should fit with the budget as expected
by the ISOC"

but the line you point to does not say that- the line would allow the 
IAOC to come up with a budget twice as big as the ISOC expected - the
IAOC would know its twice as big - that is not the same thing as
saying that the budget needs to fit within a value that the ISOC 
could support considering its revenues

Furtehr we already have:

   July 1: The IAD presents a budget proposal for the following fiscal
      year, with 3 year projections, to the IAOC.

and the 3 year projection should (in my view) give ISOC an very early
view of what is coming. It does not make sense to me that IAD/IASA would
just ignore such projections and ask unjustified and irrealistic amounts 
of money.

it may not make sense to you but there is nothing in the current text 
that prevents that from happening

I think this text needs to follow principle 3 which says that the 
budget has to be developed in consultation with the ISOC

so the aug 1 paragraph should say something like:
    August 1: The IAOC, in consultation with the ISOC President, 
        develops and adopts a proposed budget for the IASA activities
        based on the budget proposed by the IAD.  The proposed
        budget is then passed to the ISOC Board of Trustees for review
        in accordance with their fiduciary duty.

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