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Re: Issue: #749: Section 6 - Budget process

2004-12-22 06:27:10

I think John's formulation is right
It seems to me that, realistically, the total IASA budget
consists of two parts:

      * Whatever the IAOC chooses to try to spend out of
      IETF-designated cash on hand, e.g., meeting fees as well
      as any targeted funds.
      * Everything else, which the IAOC would like ISOC to
      come up with out of other funds or raise.

Rather than dancing around that issue, why not make it explicit
that the request to ISOC gets submitted in two parts.  For the
first, the ISOC would need really good reasons to say "no", with
the assumption going in that there are no such reasons (but I
don't think the BCP should overconstrain things).  For the
second, the IAOC is expected to ask nicely with the
understanding that there might be some negotiation.  

my worry centers on the 2nd part - I think it would be real bad all around 
for the IAD to ask for the world (in ISOC funds) in public then have
the ISOC board say thte the money is not there - that brings on a
confrontation that could have easily been avoided if the original 
budget were worked out with the ISOC 'in the loop'

but that said - I can live with the what is in the document since 
principle 3 covers the situation


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