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Re: regarding IETF lists using mailman: nodupes considered harmful

2005-08-26 02:46:02

I realize that this is something that could happen. Interesting
attack! But I missed the part where its somehow news to
us that e-mail system can be tricked in various ways.

And: Most of the time in important discussions it does not matter
if some messages get lost. People have lengthy debates about
matters, and only some of the participants are blocking
specific receivers. You talk to your colleagues and friends
about the discussions. You go and check archives now and
then for various reasons. In short, we typically rely on
multiple sources and media for our information, which helps
detect problems if there are any. And there are already a
number of reasons why you could be missing information,
such as false positives in your e-mail client's spam processing.

(Personally, I like to receive duplicates because then I know
the emails have gone to the list.)


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