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Re: regarding IETF lists using mailman: nodupes considered harmful

2005-08-26 06:32:45
On 8/25/05, Keith Moore <moore(_at_)cs(_dot_)utk(_dot_)edu> wrote:
Recent versions of mailman set "nodupes" by default.  List participants
can change it if they know about it, but they might have no idea of how
this setting works and how it can be used to exclude them from

The workaround is to set "new_member_options" (under General Options)
so that "Filter out duplicate messages to list members" is NOT set.
"Do not send a copy of a member's own post" should probably not
be set either.

When Rob Austein and I discovered this (geez, it must have been a year
ago or more), there was no obvious way to change the default (looking
at UI and code), so we put it off  - I guess for long enough that the
UI might have caught up...

I noticed it because I tend to delete the version of a mail to list+me
that ends up in my inbox, because I know it'll end up in my listbox
too, and that stopped happening.

The action to recommend to existing users is to go to your options for
some list, e.g., , scroll
down to the bottom, in the "Avoid duplicate copies of messages?" box,
select "No" and "Set globally", then "Submit my changes".

If someone with a little more mailman clue than I can figure out a
withlist script (or similar) to set this default for all lists and all
users that'd probably be quite useful.


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