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Re: Alternative formats for IDs

2006-01-13 17:03:46

I was operating under the assumption that rfc2xml from the above site is
the program you were talking about.

I use it, or a version that runs on windows, to create the txt output. But, no, it's not what I work with otherwise. What i work with normally is a commercial somewhat-wysiwyg xml editor that is driven by standard xml metafiles.

I'd be more likely to believe that the formatting was robust and that
the system was maintainable if there was such a tool for the RFC editor
to adopt.

There is.

There's no need to copy IETFdom Assembled on this, but I'm curious what
toolchain you're using and what limitations you've encountered.

My impression is that there are now a number of entirely competent xml editing systems. I happen to use oXygen.

If the only issue were the existence of a markup language that reliably
produced plain text RFCs,

the reason xml is interesting is that it makes editing easier, not just display.



Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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