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Re: Update of RFC 2606 based on the recent ICANN changes ?

2008-07-08 14:48:19

Ted Faber wrote:
On Tue, Jul 08, 2008 at 05:11:35PM -0400, Keith Moore wrote:
And vanity TLDs are going to be much more attractive if people think they can get single-label host names out of them.

Of your concerns (which I don't have the relevant experience to comment
on in detail), this seems to be fairly small and speculative to me.

Time will tell.

it is certainly speculative. but I do recall considerable past interest in "keywords" and a widespread desire to have DNS support them. I doubt that interest has waned.

and I'm not very business minded - but I don't think I'd have much trouble finding a thousand different English words that would be worth far more than $100K each if I could arrange for people to be able to type those words into a browser and reliably get back a web page of my choosing. if it's a no-brainer for me, how much easier will it be for someone who actually cares about making lots of money and doesn't mind screwing up the DNS root?

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