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Re: several messages

2008-11-12 14:15:20
Hi -

From: "der Mouse" <mouse(_at_)Rodents-Montreal(_dot_)ORG>
To: <ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org>; <gen-art(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: several messages
Irrelevant.  The existence of amateurishly-run DNSBLs does not imply
the nonexistence of well-run ones.  It _does_ mean that someone to whom
email is important had better do due diligence in selecting DNSBLs -
just as someone to whom a car is important had better do due diligence
in selecting a mechanic, or someone to whom good clothes are important
had better do due diligence in selecting a tailor....

Agreed, but if those analogies are correct, they also undermine the argument.
Neither the email sender nor the recipient (the ones to whom email is most
important) typically have any voice whatsoever in the selection of the DNSBL.


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