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Re: Gen-ART Telechat review of draft-hollenbeck-rfc4933bis-02

2009-07-14 09:20:54

On Jul 14, 2009, at 6:07 AM, Hollenbeck, Scott wrote:

I have a a couple comments about the implementation report. I
do not necessarily consider them blocking issues; I bring
them up merely for consideration.

-- The implementation report refers to RFC and draft versions that are (at least) a couple of generations old. I assume
that the authors believe that they also apply to this draft,
but it would be good to have an explicit assertion of that.

-- It would help to have an explicit assertion whether the report author believes the standard meets the requirements to
progress to draft. I think the report implies a "yes", but it
leaves the reader to draw that conclusion.

4933bis is a candidate for progression to Standard, not Draft Standard,
as 4933 is already a Draft Standard.  The implementation report was
written as part of the effort to publish 3733bis (which became 4933 in
May 2007) as a Draft Standard.  That's why things appear dated.


Oops, sorry, I got confused on that point since the 01 review.

Am I correct in assuming that you, as the author of the implementation report, believe that the it is still applicable to 4933bis, and that it meets the requirements for _full_ standard?

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