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RE: The IPv6 Transitional Preference Problem

2010-06-18 19:40:37
-----Original Message-----
From: ietf-bounces(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org 
[mailto:ietf-bounces(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org] On 
Behalf Of Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 4:38 AM
To: ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org
Subject: The IPv6 Transitional Preference Problem

Just in case someone here wants to take sides, have a look at 
this thread on the IPv6 discussion list at Apple:
(the thread actually goes back earlier than that, but I can't 
be bothered going looking for it because I can't stand that 
awful PiperMail interface)

Summary: it is a problem for some people, notably content 
providers, that connectivity losses result from a preference 
to use (advertised) v6 routes.  Mac OS X, in particular, has 
this habit of treating even the commonplace 6to4 routes, 
which of course fail occasionally for a number of reasons, 
just as native IPv6, and preferring them.  It has no address 
selection table, so it will flunk even when IPv4 would have 
worked fine, i.e., will not treat common v4-NAT environment 
as global scope.

My take: it's not their fault.  Transition mechanisms must 
improve, because they're needed even into the IPv4 twilight.  
However, it's been noted before that an API for selection of 
the protocol based on application requirements is a solution 
to this particular paradox, and I agree with that.

My take:  fix it in the delay-sensitive applications.  That
means Safari, Firefox, IE, etc., as we describe in "Happy
which effectively says:  tend to prefer IPv6 (or IPv4) as long
as IPv6 (or IPv4) is working well.  If it's a new network
connection, try both at the same time (because the host does
not yet know which will work well).


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