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Re: Proposed IESG structure change

2014-10-10 06:55:29
This is really tempting and has a lot going for it. However, my main concern is 
once we build a bureaucracy, it never goes away. In the case under discussion, 
the Division of Applications would still be with us in 2050 (if the IETF lasted 
that long). So, I think a professional secretariat helping with the technology 
would help in the short term, but will kill the relevance of the IETF in the 
long term.

On Oct 10, 2014, at 4:46 AM, John C Klensin <john-ietf(_at_)jck(_dot_)com> 
Let me extend your suggestion in another direction, not to
support that direction (I have mixed feelings at best) but to
follow your lead in trying to open up the thinking and
discussion a bit.
Many other standards bodies have eased the management and
administrative burdens on volunteer leaders by moving toward
secretariats (and document editing and production processes)
that have significant technical skill and that manage much of
the standardization process other than decisions about creation
of new groups and projects and determination of consensus.

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