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Re: Proposed IESG structure change

2014-10-09 15:04:00

Michael StJohns <mstjohns(_at_)comcast(_dot_)net> wrote:
    > The second issue (related to other comments) is that 3777 has no
    > provision for appointing anyone for a term of a year or less.  Again,
    > not insoluble, but begs the question of why we have rules if we don't
    > follow them.

Is the issue, what will a nomcom do in May 2015, if the IESG decides they
need another AD?  My opinion is that the nomcom would appoint someone for
either 2 or 3 years (subtracting March/April/May).  The term of ADs turns out
not to be "2 years", but rather a duration such that that about half should
be replaced every year.

    > Instead, let me suggest the IESG put its head together and figure out
    > where a more general AD might be of use for two years.  Given the large
    > number of cross area WGs, perhaps re-working the job description into
    > husbanding the transition of some number of as yet to be defined WGs to
    > the different areas might be useful and might actually be a 2 year
    > task.  Or other tasks related to the closure of the area that will no
    > doubt occur to the IESG between now and next year.  Also, AFAIK, there
    > is no requirement that a WG be owned by one of the area directors of
    > its primary area - stick the APPs AD as the primary owner for the WG,
    > but pick a secondary owner from the gaining area to ease transition.
    > (I would thing that you should be doing this now for the WGs owned by
    > the continuing APPs AD if you expect to close out the area next year )

    > The AD's have a primary focus for the topics of their areas, but their
    > secondary focus needs to be on the IETF standards process. Having a 2
    > year AD who can spend some additional time maybe helping the IESG with
    > the workload of the standards process would not be a bad idea.

These are good idea as well.

My take on this is that asking the nomcom not to fill a spot, at this late
hour, is just barely acceptable.  Changing the job description might not be.

Michael Richardson <mcr+IETF(_at_)sandelman(_dot_)ca>, Sandelman Software Works
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