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Re: Last Call: RFC 6346 successful: moving to Proposed Standard

2014-12-04 05:01:10
On 12/03/2014 10:31 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
In message <9450AE5B-9401-4E16-856E-FB6B45C3FAAD(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com>, 
4=93Dan_Wing?= writes:
RFC6346 reduces the space for TCP/UDP ports, which makes port-based =
attacks against protocols easier, as was mentioned in RFC6056: =20

  "It is also worth noting that, provided adequate algorithms are in
   use, the larger the range from which ephemeral ports are selected,
   the smaller the chances of an attacker are to guess the selected port

The primary mitigation against the Kaminsky was port randomization and =
attacks against other protocols may also need such port randomization.  =
If RFC6346 progresses to Proposed Standard, its impact to the size of =
the port space should be noted in RFC6346bis's security considerations.


And removes
the need for port randomization once deployed.  If you don't get a
cookie back then you can retry using a randomised port.

And just so you know it is not vapour ware BIND 9.10 has a experimental
implementation sans the error code called SIT.  We haven't yet
stopped randomizing the port but that is planned for.

May I ask why would you want to do that?

Fernando Gont
e-mail: fernando(_at_)gont(_dot_)com(_dot_)ar || 
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