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Re: Status of RFC 20 (was: Re: Gen-ART and OPS-Dir review of draft-ietf-json-text-sequence-09)

2014-12-06 11:21:54

On 06/12/14 17:06, John Levine wrote:
PS: Thought experiment: Let's say we made RFC 20 a full standard.
What Bad Things will happen?

Some people will be upset. Same as if we don't do that:-)

I'm fine with pushing this one along the stds track and
will kick that off next week. I need to go re-read whatever
process stuff is involved, but if someone wants to be the
shepherd for this, (I'm guessing one is needed/handy) then
just mail me.


PS: If Barry or anyone else wants to do this instead that's
fine by me.

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