
Messages dropped from index

1999-11-09 12:38:12
Using mhonarc 2.2.0, I seem to have some messages dropped from the date
index.  The msg\d{6}.html files exist but some aren't getting listed

Message adding is done with a pipe to

 /usr/local/bin/mhonarc -add -quiet -multipg  -idxsize 10 \
  -idxfname  index.html \
  -outdir /usr/web/apache/htdocs/admin/careers/cran-jobs-list                  

The rc file is below my sig.

Unfortunately, the archive itself is password protected, so you can't
inspected it directly.

Any hints at what to look for would be appreciated.  I'm baffled.


Jeffrey Goldberg                +44 (0)1234 750 111 x 2826
 Cranfield Computer Centre      FAX         751 814
Relativism is the triumph of authority over truth, convention over justice.

<!-- Test rc file -->
Careers' Service Messages
<BODY bgcolor = "#ffffff">

<!-- This ListBegin is taken from MHonArc documentation example -->
 <li><a href="$TIDXFNAME$">Thread Index</a></li>
<table width="100%" border=0 cols=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
  <tr align="center">
    <th colspan=4>Page $PAGENUM$ of $NUMOFPAGES$
    <td align="left">$PREVPGLINK$
    <td align="right">[<a href="$FIRSTPG$">First Page (most recent)</a>]
    <td align="left">[<a href="$LASTPG$">Last Page (oldest)</a>]
    <td align="right">$NEXTPGLINK$

<dt><b>Subj</b>: $SUBJECT$</dt>
  <dd><b>From</b>: <em>$FROMNAME$</em>,
      <b>Date</b>: $MSGGMTDATE$

<table width="100%" border=0 cols=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
  <tr align="center">
    <th colspan=4>Page $PAGENUM$ of $NUMOFPAGES$
    <td align="left">$PREVPGLINK$
    <td align="right">[<a href="$FIRSTPG$">First Page (most recent)</a>]
    <td align="left">[<a href="$LASTPG$">Last Page (oldest)</a>]
    <td align="right">$NEXTPGLINK$

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