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Re: [Nmh-workers] File upload frustration

2004-02-02 14:30:08
| Return-Path isn't - that's only intended for mail delivery, messages should
| never contain one of those until they're being delivered (and anyone who
| believes they should should thank any mailer that corrects them).

Letting users supply return-path is both reasonable and necessary.
On the one hand, your MTA is in charge of checking the input (because any
user can talk directly to it.)  Mine (qmail) does, and so anything my MUA
(MH) does is at best redundant.  But in this case MH is actively causing
problems, because it isn't enforcing the correct rules.  qmail uses
user-supplied return-path to set the envelope sender on outgoing messages
(and removes the return-path header from the message.)  That's perfectly
sensible, and very nice.  I use it all the time to convince mailing list
software that checks the envelope that I'm posting from the address they
have on file, for example.  Similarly, if I complain about a spammer,
I want my role account information to appear in the message, not any
personal data that MH decides the spammer ought to know.

It's very important to me that MH stop breaking this.

Look, back in the ancient days there may have been novice users who
used MH and were so utterly clueless that its rules prevented them from
forging messages from god(_at_)heaven(_dot_)arpa(_dot_)  But these days the 
only people
who use MH are grey haired experts.  Society is in no way helped by
having MH do extra work to trip them up.

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