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Re: [Nmh-workers] File upload frustration

2004-02-03 07:30:05
Ken Hornstein <kenh(_at_)cmf(_dot_)nrl(_dot_)navy(_dot_)mil> wrote on Feb 3, 

| nmh normally submits a message using smtp.

I've never done it that way.  ``sendmail -t'' is the unix standard
mail injection mechanism.  It has many advantages.  It provides an
easy way to set the envelope.  It means that every workstation doesn't
have to listen on port 25 and deal with network traffic from randoms.
It means that the mail injection system can authenticate the sender,
and enforce policy.  nmh shouldn't be usurping that job.

I believe Neil really meant to say that nmh can _only_ submit a message
using SMTP.  Even when it's piping to sendmail, it's not using -t, it's
using -bs and speaking SMTP.  The workstation doesn't have to listen on
port 25 in that case, obviously.  This is assuming that you haven't
changed nmh to use -t (if you did, hey, that's fine ... I just want to
be sure we're talking about the same thing).

That's not quite correct.  If you use "spost" for your postproc",
then it will use "sendmail -t" or something similar.  But "spost" is
certainly not the normal way of doing things.  The default is, as you
say, to invoke "sendmail -bs" and talk smtp over stdio, or to talk
smtp to localhost (depends on a configuration choice).

Please understand; I have no objection to the functionality.

Nor have I.

I'm just not happy with the overloading of an existing header.

Why a header, rather than an environment setting?


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