
Re: [PATCH] Big5-related changes.

2002-04-20 01:47:53
On Sat, Apr 20, 2002 at 08:00:04AM +0900, Dan Kogai wrote:
Is this okay?  I think this is due to the edition difference.  If so, 
please submit a fixed version of TW.t

Yes, as attached, thanks.

FYI here is what ucmlint is saying.
perl5.7.3 -Mblib bin/ucmlint -e ucm/big5-*.ucm
ucm/big5-eten.ucm: no error found
ucm/big5-hkscs.ucm: no error found
ucm/big5-eten.ucm: 16 errors found
ucm/big5-hkscs.ucm: 1319 errors found

That's right. The old ucm files was lacking these codepoints.


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