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Re: Matching an empty field?

1997-08-18 10:20:36
Quoting Ken Hooper (bighouse(_at_)type2(_dot_)com):
I need to identify messages that have either the word "subject" or have
nothing at all in the subject field. Testing for nothing is puzzling me. I
went through the grep man page and procmailex but didn't see anything
useful. Do the following make sense?

* ^Subject: .*subject
* ^Subject: !.+

How 'bout (untested) 
  * ^Subject:[  ]+$
Where the $ indicates end of line.

Michael Stone, Sysadmin, ITRI     PGP: key 1024/76556F95 from mit keyserver,
mstone(_at_)itri(_dot_)loyola(_dot_)edu            finger, or email with 
"Subject: get pgp key" 

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