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Re: Dealing with this address formatting

1998-02-17 09:09:41
On Mon, Feb 16, 1998 at 12:00:12AM -0800, Professional Software Engineering 

   What about mailing lists?  Especially those run as entries in

Do you know any MSN users who have /etc/aliases access *ON MSN* ?  AOL?  etc?

    You don't understand.  They don't have entries in the
/etc/aliases files on the Internet Mail Gateways, but they don't have
to.  If they're on any mailing list run anywhere in the world that is
done via /etc/aliases, and they're configured for "metoo" or there
are other AOL users on the same mailing list, then AOL will see mail
coming in from the Internet (i.e., a relay that is not on a network
owned by AOL) with an envelope sender address of "user(_at_)aol(_dot_)com".

Besides, proper handling of a remailed message on a mailing list is to have
the list add "Resent-Message-ID:" with a list-generated Message-ID.  The
original Message-ID is retained.  Look at your procmail messages as an

    That is irrelevant.  You can't discuss "proper handling" of
anything on the one hand, and then propose a solution that would
probably break over half the mailing lists on the 'net.  Although the
number of subscribers per list would be small relative to the really
large lists run via Listserv, etc..., the overall impact would be
astronomical due to the multiplicative effect between the total
number of lists that would be affected and the number of users on
each of those lists.

Brad Knowles                                _                       _ 
brad(_at_)colltech(_dot_)com                          |_| C o l l e c t i v e 
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