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Re: Mailbox permissions and formail

2001-08-09 13:27:11
David Stone reposted,

| :0:
| * [some match condition]
| | formail -A "X-Sorted: IN_MAIL_TAG" >> $MAILDIR

| procmail: Non-zero exitcode (1) from " formail -A "X-Sorted: IN_MAIL_TAG"
| >> $MAILDIR"

Well, of course.  You're telling the shell to append text to a directory as
if the directory were a file, and it won't do that. This has nothing to do
with permissions.  Nobody can append text to a directory, at least not
through a shell's appending redirector.

I can't tell you what to do instead, because I can't figure out what you're
trying to accomplish.

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