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Re: Mailbox permissions and formail

2001-08-09 17:36:55
OK, thanks to David and Philip for your comments and feedback.

I hadn't realised the details about the PATH and DEFAULT variables,
so that was good to know.

I think I've been using the term "folders" rather loosely - all the
mailboxes are (if I understand correctly) mbox _files_, not directories.

The reason I'd been using $MAILDIR (amongst others) for the delivery
was so that I can change where the mail actually goes using a
setup.rc file invoked from the main .procmailrc - that way, either
stuff is in the regular mail box when I check mail via POP3, or
it's out of that file but still stored where I can get it later
(but I don't have to download it whenever I want to see the rest
of my mail)

So there are a bunch of variables which I guess should be set like this:

        SPAMDIR=/home/mail/junk  or SPAMDIR=$DEFAULT
        ADMNDIR=/home/mail/admin or ADMNDIR=$DEFAULT

and anything that isn't (potentially) diverted goes to $MAILDIR
(which for the past three years has worked just fine being set
to /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME)

So what is procmail 3.21 expecting $MAILDIR to be? Is it anticipating
that anything pointed to by the path in $MAILDIR is explicitly a
directory, whereas earlier version were more tolerant as far as file
or directory was concerned?

What's odd is that I put an additional line in the .procmailrc:


which yields the log result

  procmail: Assigning "TEST=."

which wasn't at all what I was expecting.  Is that a procmail 3.21
thing, or is it possible that something's been changed system-wide
that is having unforunate side-effects on my .procmailrc's behaviour?

Anyway, can I do

| formail -A "X-Sorted: some_text" >> $DEFAULT


Thanks again for your time on this,

Dave Stone

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