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Re: can root use procmail?

2001-08-21 03:09:53
On Fri, Aug 17, 2001 at 11:16:15AM -0400, Bill Perkins wrote:
I've searched the documentation, and I can't seem to get the root user to
use procmail. I'm running Linux 7.1, procmail 3.15.2, I have the standard

There is no "Linux 7.1". The most recent Linux kernel is 2.4.9. I assume you
mean you're running Redhat Linux 7.1?

.forward file set up, and a simple .procmailrc, but mail never makes it to

If the above assumption is true, forget the .forward file. It's unnecessary,
as procmail is already the LDA.

the root user; it gets "hung up" by the daemon user. Is there any reason

Can you be a little more specific about the symptoms? How do you know it's
"hung up by the daemon user"? What happens, exactly? A copy of your
.procmailrc file and your procmail log file, with verbose logging, would be

for this behaviour, or is having root use procmail a Bad Thing? Any
feedback would be appreciated.

In general you don't want to be reading mail as root.

Andrew Edelstein        -       andrew(_at_)pure-chaos(_dot_)com
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