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Re: Help me understand this config

2001-10-31 11:58:54

At 12:10 2001-10-31 -0500, Tuc wrote:


        Its a shortened version of a widely publicized SirCam procmail

Uhm, does the UNSHORTENED version work?  

        All it has is more 1^0 B ?? 's.

Does the file you're cat'ing exist?


        The next problem is that it just doesn't do the "|" action at all.
I've tried 6 ways to Sunday....

... and the VERBOSE logfile says what?

        Sorry :

procmail: Score:       1       1 "^Content-Type:.*(multipart|attachment)"
procmail: Score:       0       1 "Hi\! How are you(\?|=3F)"
procmail: Score:       0       1 "I send you this file in order to have your ad
procmail: Score:       0       1 "See you later(\.|=2E) Thanks"
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=(/usr/local/bin/formail -r -A "Precedence: junk
-I"Subject: Your Machine is infected with the Sircam Virus"; \
cat /usr/home/wwwcust1/crazies/sircam.txt)>> /tmp/results"
procmail: Locking "/tmp/mail.lock"
procmail: Executing "(/usr/local/bin/formail -r -A "Precedence: junk" \
-I"Subject: Your Machine is infected with the Sircam Virus"; \
cat /usr/home/wwwcust1/crazies/sircam.txt)>> /tmp/results"
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/tmp/mail"
procmail: Opening "/tmp/mail"
procmail: Acquiring kernel-lock
procmail: Unlocking "/tmp/mail.lock"
procmail: Notified comsat: "crazies(_at_)3345:/tmp/mail"
From tuc(_at_)ttsg(_dot_)com  Wed Oct 31 13:49:49 2001
 Subject: NO
  Folder: /tmp/mail                                                        1108
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