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Re: Maildir format delivery

2001-11-13 09:26:16
John Connor asked,

| However, when I
| tested what would happen with maildirs,  by creating an appropriate
| directory structure and a simple recipe:
| :0
| /var/mail/dirk/
| .. procmail delivered the mail into /var/mail/dirk instead of
| /var/mail/dirk/new

It sounds as though you're using an older version of procmail that didn't do
qmail-style maildirs.   You
should be using 3.15-2 or 3.22.  (Some other versions since 3.15 tried to
handle maildirs but have some bugs; earlier ones don't do it at all and
treat name/ as an ordinary directory, as yours seems to be doing.)

| I suppose my question is, do I need to have my script return
| /var/mail/dirk/new as the mail location or am I doing something wrong

No, don't do it that way.  Upgrade procmail and then deliver to
/var/mail/dirk/ as you were doing, letting procmail handle putting into the
subdirectory.  I take it that the value of DELMAILBOX returned by mailauth
already includes the trailing slash (or if not, you can deliver to

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