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Re: 'nuther msgid pattern?

2003-02-05 02:51:36
On  4 Feb, dman(_at_)nomotek(_dot_)com wrote:
| Don Hammond <throwaway-o6jBk1rMVBbF(_at_)tradersdata(_dot_)com>
| > I don't have a spam collection handy to run it through, but it did
| > match 4 legitimate messages out of just over 10,000.  They were notices
| > from sellers of ebay "wins", and the part after @ was in all
| > 4 cases.
| Which only means that eBay uses a mail agent that is oriented for bulk
| sends.  Which I would expect.  It seems to confirm that the program
| spewing this stuff is a commercial-class mailer used often by, among
| others, spammers.  Btw, I conducted my first-ever eBay buys in the last
| week, and I was annoyed that the eBay mail tripped various spam traps of
| my own, which I then had to write around.  'Sokay, though -- all part of
| the game.  I look, when that happens, for ways to tighten my noose
| generally rather than exclude specific parties from the traps.

It can be a challenge to keep things both working AND generic enough to
avoid something that looks like a Rube Goldberg contraption held
together by duct tape and baling wire, can't it?

So there's no confusion, though not exactly on point, the 4 messages
were not from ebay, but from the sellers who I guess had some
arrangement with paypal (a payment service) for auto acks.  I don't know
that because I refuse to have anything to do with paypal, but I think
that's a reasonably educated guess. These were acknowledgements in
addition to the official ones from ebay, and not something you'd have to
allow for generally.  Of course, there are other places that provide the
same or similar services and you're probably correct to expect some more
spammy fingerprints from your journeys into the netherworld of ebay.
Email address in From: header is valid  * but only for a couple of days *
This is my reluctant response to spammers' unrelenting address harvesting

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