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Re: mysql & green/black list

2003-03-18 02:13:15
On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 08:26:44 -0600, Jason Crowe
<jcrowe(_at_)midwestglove(_dot_)com> wrote:

I have my procmail filters separated into a green list, a black list, then
everything else goes through the filters (spam,virus,porn,etc). What would
like to do is move my green & black email list to MySQL. Has anyone done
this before? Are there any reasons not to do this?

Here is a section of my file that allows email in before the spam
filtering starts.


I am afraid that this will get very unmanagable over time. I am hoping to
come away with a better idea for dealing with my green/black list.

I posted the exact same inquiry few days ago, got flamed and by some
rude disturbed individual by the name "Tony L. Svanstrom", you'd better
wear a coat, possible an RTFM flame coming your way.

Back to your question.

I read somewhere a tutorial that says do the following.

# Set the path to the executable, and shell
FORMAIL=/usr/bin/formail  (or path to formail on your system)
FGREP=/usr/bin/fgrep          (or path to fgrep on your system)

# Define the location of the whitelist and black list files.

whitelist=(path to the whitelist file) <==== one address /line file
blacklist= (path to the black list file) <==== One address /line file

# check against whitelist
* ? ($FORMAIL -x From: -x Sender: -x Resent-From: | $FGREP -iqf

This works quite well.

But when I try similar recipe for a blacklisted body filtering.

# Check against blacklist
* ? ($FGREP -if $blacklist)

Here is what I see  when I turn log to verbose=On.

procmail: Executing "(/bin/fgrep,-if,/var/log/blacklist)"
(/bin/fgrep: (/bin/fgrep: No such file or directory
procmail: Non-zero exitcode (127) from "(/bin/fgrep"
procmail: No match on "(/bin/fgrep -if /var/log/blacklist)"

Like you, my procmailrc is now a bloated one, and despite detailed
comments, and the whitelist of form sender and resent, it is getting
very unmanageable.

I resorted to write a small PHP script that takes an input from an html
form and then writes individual recipe for each entry, not a big deal,
but it saves some time for me.

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