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Re: mysql & green/black list

2003-03-18 12:53:30

On Tue, 18 Mar 2003 20:24:34 +0100 Dallman Ross <dman(_at_)nomotek(_dot_)com> 

I took the email you replied to, which had my given name and email address
in the From: field, and ran that through.  Naturally, it succeeded.
Then I edited "dman@" in the From: header to "feldman@" and ran the
message through again.  It still succeeded.  Then I added the `w'
flag to fgrep in the recipe above.  It would then only work with
"dman@", not "feldman@", "goldman@", or "anything-elsedman@".

It would still pass with "string-dman@", i.e., with the hyphen;
or with a dot or other non-alphanumeric.  The -x flag is best,
but then you will have to strip out < and > from your formail
results to have a sure match.

Hmm, I added the w flag, and had my wife send me a spam subject email. my
whitelist recipe did not catch her email and it was flagged as spam. remove the
w flag and the whitelist rule matches properly

time for testing, when there's time

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