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Re: Best spam scoring system for domain's mail

2003-05-02 08:30:05
On Thu, May 01, 2003 at 01:01:42PM -0700, Tyler F. Creelan wrote:
Usually system-wide spam filters merely tag the message as spam,
rather than delete or reroute the message. Indeed there are laws in
some countries which prohibit the latter. Here are some descriptions
of more problems with the latter approach:

In the case of SpamAssassin this is deffinitly true. It only tags spam. It's
up to procmail (or whatever tool you use) to do anything about it. I have
procmail dump it to a spam folder. My users, who mostly are windows users,
have filters set in their MUA that see the header and do as they wish with it
(or they have me set up procmail to put it into a spam folder and they check
it once in a while.)

Andrew Edelstein        -

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