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Re: setting up procmail

2004-11-05 10:13:56
If you use postfix, configuring it to use procmail is right in the postfix FAQ:


I don't manage any hosts that so much as touch Exim, but the following thread on their support forums may provide some starting points for config syntax:

The same experience applies to qmail. <> has a searchable FAQ, but curiously procmail does not appear within it.

I didn't reply to the specific point about what the /etc/procmailrc file should contain -- what it should contain is whatever it is you're wanting to perform during local mail delivery. It isn't a config file, it's a script of sorts, processed by procmail. If you need it to invoke your ClamAV and SA processes, then you'd add code as should be described in the installation instructions of those other programs.
 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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