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Re: IP range filter?

2004-11-12 13:22:10
Dallman Ross wrote:

Grab my Virus Snaggers(tm) package and look in the vsnag.genvars.rc file.
You can use that file even if you don't wish to use the whole vsnag program.
I understood from your licensing terms that such use is NOT allowed:

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Take the files, learn from the files, and use them to take back control of your email. But do not lift my work from them for use in your own code. Vsnag does not fall within the GNU Public License, and it never has; and the reason is that I wish to retain rights to my code. I worked hard to get here. If you want to profit from my work, you should contact me with a proposal for collaboration or private licensing. Clarifying, at the risk of repeating myself: the use of the files is free. The code itself is not.
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- Bob

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