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Another suggestion.

2003-10-20 10:40:16
Hey.  Is there any functionality in the SPF system for debugging?  I
think it would be nice for a domain publishing SPF records to be able
to request that messages bounced by an SPF-compatible server be
forwarded to postmaster@<SPF domain> for debugging purposes.  This
would allow admins that are setting up SPF to evaluate the effect it
has on their mail flow, and would help in finding hosts that are
forging mail as them.

We could enable this functionality by adding a "bp" flag to the
SPF TXT record that would request the bounces to postmaster.  This
sort of functionality would also help operators of trusted-forwarders
DNSWLs to identify new domains that need to be added to the list.


Ted Cabeen           http://www.pobox.com/~secabeen            
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