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Re: SRS and sendmail

2004-01-14 09:10:44
On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 09:10:07AM +0000, Mark Tranchant wrote:
| So I need to implement some form of SRS. I already run a couple of 
| sendmail milters, but I understand that a milter cannot change the 
| envelope sender.
| Any suggestions? procmail and formail? Or am I jumping the gun a bit here?

Solutions are possible with procmail.  I am planning to make a variety
of workarounds available to people:

1) patch to sendmail so /etc/aliases will work transparently
2) SRS in .procmail (will probably involve a program |srsforward which calls 
3) |srsforward should also work inside a .forward environment
3) patch to other MTAs

All this will take some time.  That's why it's good that SPF deployment
is going slow-but-steadily.

We really need talented, beautiful developers to belp with the above.
Please join spf-devel if you can help do sender rewriting.

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