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Re: SPF Stats

2005-07-03 03:51:44

On 3 jul 2005, at 02.30, Lennon - Orcon wrote:

71.1% none =  7116
9.9%  pass = 995
9.6%  neutral = 968
1.8%  fail = 183
6.4%  softfail = 645 (mostly hotmail.com/msn.com)
0.5%  error = 55
0.4%  unknown = 38

I usually see "none" in the range of 60 - 70 %, and "pass" in the range of 15 - 25 %.

The most important thing for us must be to get the fraction of messages flagged as "none" to diminish, but unfortunately that doesn't really seem to be happening of late, or if it is, it's really slow. We need to advertise SPF better!

j o a r

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