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Re: SPF Stats

2005-07-04 09:05:08
On Sun, 2005-07-03 at 23:10 +1200, Lennon - Orcon wrote:
Forwarding / SRS is the big killer of SPF at the moment.. more people
have to start using SRS. (how many commercial mailers (or even
non-commercial do) by default?

There isn't even an internet-draft being put forward which standardises
SRS. It seems to be entirely dead in the water, and yet it needs to be
done _before_ any official blessing of SPF can (sanely) take place.

In the meantime, some senders continue to publish SPF records with
'-all' and say "you should trust the recipients not to honour SPF if
there's a forwarding problem", while some recipients continue to reject
for a 'fail' result and say "but I'm just doing what the sender said".
And genuine mail continues to go missing for these people.

Forwarding is something that can't properly be tracked by _either_ the
sender or the recipient, in the general case. My ISP certainly doesn't
have any way to tell how many of its customers forward mail to its
servers, or from where. Hence they know perfectly well that they'd lose
business if they were silly enough to reject mail for an SPF failure.


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