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Re: Re: [spf-discuss] The IANA has assigned us DNS number 99 for SPF

2005-07-12 06:30:10
On Tue, 12 Jul 2005, Julian Mehnle wrote:

  $ dig -t 99 sixxs.com

it then really did ignore "-t 99" and got the A record.

  $ dig sixxs.com -t TYPE99 +sho
  \# 11 763D73706631202D616C6C

For me, on Fedora Core, using bind9, and the dnsutils package, dig
supports the following syntax, as well:

radix-[11]$ dig @localhost sixxs.com type99 +sho
\# 12 0B763D73706631202D616C6C

and doesn't seem to be case sensitive.


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