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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Preparing the IAB appeal

2006-02-08 07:29:58

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Ellermann" <nobody(_at_)xyzzy(_dot_)claranet(_dot_)de>
Subject: [spf-discuss] Re: Preparing the IAB appeal

For a substantial portion of mail (some say 80%, pointer to
one of Hector's article stating this) MAIL FROM and PRA are
different, as explained in (pointer to old appeal).

s/80/20/  100 - 80 = 20.  Need more coffee, sorry.  Do you
need some pointers like Ned's article on the general list ?
Or Keith's old "this was an error" article ?   Bye, Frank

Sure Frank, since you brought it up, please show all proof of error from
your "Kiss, Kiss, they might like me then" dependency list of Keith,
Ned, and your other so called IETF "buddy list" statements proving
otherwise who have little to no direct experience with any kind of
anti-spam efforts.

Frank, as I told you the last time and I rephrase it again, You can say
anything your like about me. That is what America gave your country.
Freedom.  But you what you don't have a free rein to do is stomp on my
integrity, my honesty and ethics and aspect to get away from it.  I
won't allow you and each time you attempt do so, you will hear what you
need to hear whether you like to hear it or not.

I ask you again to refrain from this defamation of my character with ad
nausem statements that really have nothing to do with anything but your
dependency on who you think is your "buddy list."

If I made an error in my postings and you prove it, then by all means,
please do so. I have thick skin.  I have no regrets in being proving
wrong.  But telling us what your BUDDY says without any PROOF disputing
my posting in regards to our SPF statistics, well, that doesn't cut it.

Hector Santos, Santronics Software, Inc.

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