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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Fw: SRS vs BATV

2006-02-16 19:47:25

While IMHO that's a misuse of the term, more importantly it's a problem
because you can't reliably test normal email addresses (as opposed to
potential bounce addresses) with a MAIL FROM of "<>".

My thoughts on this are.. if someone sends from an email address it HAS to
be valid (or how do you ever bounce back to it?)

If you send some email from remotely from the email address
user(_at_)example1(_dot_)com to  user(_at_)example2(_dot_)com and you accept
it and then decide to bounce it (yes you shouldn't do that, but MANY
do), then if you bounce it back to user(_at_)example1(_dot_)com and
user(_at_)example1(_dot_)com doesn't exist.. it double bounces and goes
no where.

Why would someone send from an email address which doesn't exist or
cannot bounce back to?

-------------- Valid Email -----------------------
If user(_at_)example1(_dot_)com sends email to user(_at_)example2(_dot_)com

MAIL FROM: user(_at_)example1(_dot_)com

new process does call back
RCPT TO: user(_at_)example1(_dot_)com
250 Yes its a real user


RCPT TO: user(_at_)example2(_dot_)com
-------------- Sending frmo an Invalid Email Address -----------------------
Or (if user(_at_)example1(_dot_)com doesn't exist)

MAIL FROM user(_at_)example1(_dot_)com

new process does call back
RCPT TO: user(_at_)example1(_dot_)com
553 User Unknown

553 User unknown


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