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silly (c) symbol. How to get © in output ?

2003-04-24 13:18:32
I'm having a lot of trouble getting *©* (the copyright system) to output.

I know this problem has been explained before but I can't find the thread which has a working answer.

I'm getting this:

<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">©</xsl:text> gives the actual (c) symbol in the HTML doc which looks like this: © in the browser but look OK in XMLSpy.

<xsl:text>&copy;</xsl:text> gives an undefined entity error.

<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&copy;</xsl:text> gives an undefined entity error.

I'm using Saxon 7.4. My first born to anyone who can put me out of my misery.



Malcolm S-)

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