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Re: "--" question

2003-04-07 11:25:59
From: David Carlisle <davidc(_at_)nag(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk>
> I'm not quite sure what to suggest you should do about it, though!

Surely the best solution is not to put the javascript into a comment

Maybe I'm missing the idea here, but from the viewpoint that this is a comment, I feel that I ought to have the leeway to put nearly any character combination together within a comment and have the parsing processor ignore that combo. I recognize this is not standard for xslt, and I'm curious what the reasoning is for it. Placing a significant number of &#decimalOrName; within xslt diminishes the understanding and reading capability of the original XSLT file. This is especially true when trying to translate some 'comment' text into usable scripting for the output generated.

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