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[xsl] How do I define a work variable in XSL with the current date and how do I format date in output

2014-10-28 15:11:49
How do I define a work variable (GLDate) to contain the current date in 
format yyyymmdd?
<xsl:variable name="GLDateValue" select="current-date()"/>

How do I code the following line to put my GLDate in my output - want to 
format it in output as YYYYMMDD?
         <xsl:value-of select="$GLDateValue" />, 

Catherine Wilbur  |  Senior Application Programmer  |  IT Services
401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor ON Canada  N9B 3P4
(T) 519.253.3000 Ext. 2745  |  (F) 519.973.7083  |  (E) 
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