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Re: [dkim-dev] g=;

2007-03-06 17:20:22
Juan Altmayer Pizzorno wrote:

"g=;" in the key, according to DKIM draft, "never matches any addresses".
Does anybody know what is the rationale for creating a key that never matches
any addresses?  It seems to me it would have made more sense for it to match
the empty local part, which happens in i='s default.  What am I missing?

As a general rule, omitted tags get the default value (in this case, *) and tags with the null value get the null value, not the default. So the g=; case is just for consistency with the general rule; I'm not sure this is necessarily useful.

As for having g=; match a signature with having i= not have a local-part, the null local-part for i= is not really a null address but a statement "it could be anything" and as such it should require g=* to match it.

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