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Re: [fetchmail]new problem with 5.9.2

2001-09-29 03:47:45
I have the same message using:

        fetchmail --quit -all -d 300 -L .fetchmail.log

It works with 5.9.1.


On Thu, Sep 27, 2001 at 07:07:13AM -0500, renkel(_at_)xnet(_dot_)com wrote:
With new 5.9.2 release getting following error did not get before

fetchmailrc is ...

poll quake protocol pop3 user renkel pass passwd  no rewrite  mda " /bin/echo 
From %F \`date\` >>/home/customer/renkel/WMAIL; /bin/cat 
/home/customer/renkel/WMAIL; echo >>/home/customer/renkel/WMAIL"

command is ...

fetchmail -a --fetchlimit 1 -t 20 

result is...

fetchmail: illegal option -- -
usage:  fetchmail [options] [server ...]
  Options are as follows:
  -?, --help        display this option help
  -V, --version     display version info
  -c, --check       check for messages without fetching
  -s, --silent      work silently
  -v, --verbose     work noisily (diagnostic output)
  -d, --daemon      run as a daemon once per n seconds
  -N, --nodetach    don't detach daemon process
  -q, --quit        kill daemon process
  -L, --logfile     specify logfile name
      --syslog      use syslog(3) for most messages when running as a daemon
      --invisible   don't write Received & enable host spoofing
  -f, --fetchmailrc specify alternate run control file
  -i, --idfile      specify alternate UIDs file
      --postmaster  specify recipient of last resort
      --nobounce    redirect bounces from user to postmaster.
      --plugin      specify external command to open connection
      --plugout     specify external command to open smtp connection
  -p, --protocol    specify retrieval protocol (see man page)
  -U, --uidl        force the use of UIDLs (pop3 only)
  -P, --port        TCP/IP service port to connect to
      --auth        authentication type (password/kerberos/ssh)
  -t, --timeout     server nonresponse timeout
  -E, --envelope    envelope address header
  -Q, --qvirtual    prefix to remove from local user id
      --principal   mail service principal
      --tracepolls  add poll-tracing information to Received header
  -u, --username    specify users's login on server
  -a, --all         retrieve old and new messages
  -K, --nokeep      delete new messages after retrieval
  -k, --keep        save new messages after retrieval
  -F, --flush       delete old messages from server
  -n, --norewrite   don't rewrite header addresses
  -l, --limit       don't fetch messages over given size
  -w, --warnings    interval between warning mail notification
  -S, --smtphost    set SMTP forwarding host
      --fetchdomains fetch mail for specified domains
  -D, --smtpaddress set SMTP delivery domain to use
      --smtpname    set SMTP full name username(_at_)domain
  -Z, --antispam,   set antispam response values
  -b, --batchlimit  set batch limit for SMTP connections
  -B, --fetchlimit  set fetch limit for server connections
  -e, --expunge     set max deletions between expunges
  -m, --mda         set MDA to use for forwarding
      --bsmtp       set output BSMTP file
      --lmtp        use LMTP (RFC2033) for delivery
  -r, --folder      specify remote folder name
      --showdots    show progress dots even in logfiles

 Will Renkel
 Wheaton, Ill.



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Laurent CREPET -- laurent(_dot_)crepet(_at_)free(_dot_)fr

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