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Re: [fetchmail]Re: New PO file for `fetchmail-5.9.2'

2001-09-30 09:05:49
Byrial Jensen <byrial(_at_)image(_dot_)dk>:
This is bad. The Danish translation of fetchmail 5.9.2 is NOT up to
date. The problem is that fetchmail.pot is not updated when a new
version is released, so the robot can not see that the translation
needs updating.

I used to run 'make update-po' manually before updating the
translation. Either ESR (the maintainer) or the TP Robot have to
take care of updating the pot file to get fetchmail translation
work with the Translation Project.

Does this just mean adding `make update-po` somewhere in my Makefile.in?
If so, where should it be?

Right now there is also another problem. ESR changed the macro for
gettext() from _ to GT_, but did not add the new keyword to the
xgettext invocation. I suppose this must be done in
po/Makefile.in.in about line 90.

                <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

The saddest life is that of a political aspirant under democracy. His
failure is ignominious and his success is disgraceful.
        -- H.L. Mencken