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[fetchmail]Change of E-mail address notification Help please.

2002-05-03 06:44:58
    I'm not sure which list I should goto for this help, so I'm applying
to both ;o)


    The company my brother is working for is changing their domain name
from we-ef.com.au and changing it to we-ef.com, so we would like to
inform people sending them E-mails of this action, and please change
their addresses accordingly.

    What we would like to do is this, a E-mail arrives, and a courtesy
reply is sent back to the originator informing them of this change.

    To rod(_at_)we-ef(_dot_)com(_dot_)au
    From: snaketails(_at_)optushome(_dot_)com(_dot_)au
    Subject whatever...
    <body>\\\\\afdhjfg\\\\,</body>   (don't worry about html syntaxing,
just example...)

    mail system gets the E-mail and grabs the E-mail address and replies
a notice.

    To: snaketails(_at_)optushome(_dot_)com(_dot_)au
    From: rod(_at_)we-ef(_dot_)com
    Subject: Change of E-mail address notification.

    Please update your address list to rod(_at_)we-ef(_dot_)com as this is my 
E-mail address, your message has been forwarded to myself, this is just
a courtesy E-mail to notify you of this impending change.  Thank you.

    Now, how can I get the E-mail system to notify every incomming
E-mail sender of this update.

    System setup.

    Linux, and "diald" dial-up controlling a 56k modem
    RH based system
    Latest Fetchmail pulling E-mail from the ISP (multidrop)
    Latest postfix taking E-mail and distributing it to the destinations
within the company.

    We just wish to setup the notification so the reply to the sender is
automated, this will ease the burden of some to remember to notify their
customers (the original address will remain for sometime yet.)

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