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Re: [fetchmail] exit with non zero code, 2nd

2002-09-15 21:57:35
Quoting from Matthias Andree's mail on Sun, Sep 15, 2002 at 02:46:18PM +0200:
user 'mylogin' there
  password 'this_is_really_s3cr31'
is sunil.shetye=sunil matthias.andree=ma eric.s.raymond=eric * here

I am talking of converting an email address to a local username
account. Something like:

shetye(_at_)bombay(_dot_)retortsoft(_dot_)com -> shetye

Undoubtedly, most of the time, it will be just that: ignoring whatever
is after '@':

*(_at_)bombay(_dot_)retortsoft(_dot_)com -> *

Aliases (which are MTA specific) may not be understood by an MDA. So,
a mapping like:

group(_at_)bombay(_dot_)retortsoft(_dot_)com -> user1,user2,user3

would be required.

which defines three aliases and leaves the rest unchanged -- and any of
these are subject to MTA expansions again.

I was talking of an MDA here. We cannot rely on an MDA (like procmail)
to understand the full email address.

That's correct, but I think that fetchmail already does this, with the
"is remote1=local1 remote2=local2 here" mapping syntax in multidrop

Not always. From the man page,

       The  `localdomains'  option  allows  you to declare a list of
       domains which fetchmail should consider local.  When fetchmail
       is parsing address lines in multidrop modes, and a  trailing
       segment  of  a  host name matches a declared local domain, that
       address is passed through to the listener or MDA unaltered
       (local-name mappings are not applied).

So, when `localdomains' is used, the full email address is being
passed to the MDA now.

Sunil Shetye.