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[fetchmail] Is there a problem with this list?

2002-10-01 15:17:43
I know this will sound strange, but my inbox hasn't seen a single piece of 
mail fromn this list in months.  A couple of moths ago, I figured I'd 
accidently unsubscribed myself and went thru the subscribe process.  I did 
get an email back saying I was already subscribed.  Still, no mail from the 
list.  Yesterday, I tried a new trick.  I tried to unsubscribe.  24 hours 
later, the confirmation request got here.  The object was not to unsubscribe, 
but to see if the list was alive, so I didn't confirm..

As a test, I had my newsreader haul down the gmane feed of this list and saw 
only a couple of entries about a week old...until now when I saw a current 
post on the newsreader.  But still no email from the list!!!!!!

Does anyone have a clue why I am not getting any email from the list????????
|Robin Lynn Frank       |No attachments or active content  |Copyright and |
|Director of Operations |is permitted in incoming mail.    |PGP/GPG info  |
|Paradigm-Omega, LLC    |Violatons are rejected.  Incoming |in mail or    |
|www.paradigm-omega.com |mail subject to confirmation.     |message header|

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